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In this manner, by means of joint efforts with the authorities and community organizations, AHMSA maintains a deliberate presence in community development, primarily in municipalities in the state of Coahuila, with investments and equipment for public safety, urban cleaning, educational and social institutions, road work, recreational facilities and cultural activities.
For example, some actions that stand out are the investment in the modernization and expansion of the Monclova-Frontera International Airport, the installation of a water-treatment plant in the Center of Coahuila, and the constant effort to maintain an environmentally sustainable operation.
The reinforcement of infrastructure for communications, basic services and educational services have brought about an improvement in community life, while at the same time, introducing an additional incentive for businessmen and industrialists that have installed new companies that create jobs and generate wealth for the region.
Through interaction with local and state authorities, as a greater expression of the effort to ensure a future of progress for communities, AHMSA carries on activities aimed at strengthening regional economies, by attracting new businesses and promoting competitiveness among local suppliers of goods and services.
For this purpose, in the allocation of contracts, the company maintains a preference for the companies of former employees or local businesses, the level of competitiveness and market prices being equal. Additionally, a department of supplier development is maintained for every level of requirements of supplies and services.
Thus, the constant investment in industrial growth and activities benefiting the community have positioned Altos Hornos de México as a company of high social responsibility, committed to actively pursuing improvement of the quality of life of its employees and the community at large.